Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Jan. 3, 2012

The year started out with my mom getting sick. I took a trip to California to help her. While I was there I had a chance to see Shelita my sweetie darling. 

Back at home while I was gone Dave 'made' a gingerbread house with the boys. 


Jan.12, 2013

(selling cookies for a scout fundraiser)
Ben is going to go far in life. Watching him selling cookies outside Walmart today was awesome. He wasn't afraid to talk to anyone. Here is a sample of Bens handiwork:

A girl bought a rice crispy treat for a dollar and handed Ben a $5...he said why don't you just get 4 more so I don't have to get you change.

And to the diabetic who said he can't eat sugar, "then you can just make a donation"

To a big guy, "You look like you want a treat"

Would you like to buy a delicious treat? $1- it's NOT a rip off!

Grabbing a lady by the hand, "we've got some good stuff, come take a look at it"

Ben is a constant source of entertainment. I love that boy.

Oliver creativeness. 

Jan. 14, 2013
All my boys got parts in a play this evening. During auditions 
there was some sort of disturbance on the stage. So much so that the directors stopped talking. 
Apparently someone let one rip....loudly. 
One director said, ' does someone have an upset stomach?' Ben loudly and proudly yells, 'Yep! That was me!!'

Oliver was my Diva who decided not to audition. Then when they grouped kids together in parts he snuck back on stage and got his name written down for a part. 
Jan. 15, 2013

This morning while I was trying to put my shoes on, Ben asked me to zip up his jacket. 'Mom-mom-mom- zip up my jacket-mom-mommy-mom!' Finally I snap, 'Wait! Can't you see that I am in the middle of putting my shoes on.' 

Ben: 'No mom, all I see is that you are beautiful.'

The shoes were dropped and the jacket zipped. 

The kid is good.
Jan. 19, 2012

Missoula Children's Theater
Zachary was part of the forest, Ben and Oliver were Bats and Coleman was a turtle in Missoula's Snow White. They were all hilarious. Ben was a ham. Oliver waved to us, blew my kisses from on stage and acknowledged Duane Thurston in the audience too. Coleman was a hilarious turtle. He walked on stage slowly and dramatically every time.  Zachary was Zachary and in his lazy cool way was a funny goof ball. I love my little actors.

Jan. 26, 2013
I don't think Ben is understanding the rules of a Buffett. As the waitress came by he yelled, ' I got another plate for the third time...stop stealing them!'

Jan. 28, 2013
Last night our room was all dark except for the glow of me on my phone and David on his IPad. 
I heard a noise and angled my phone to use as a flashlight to check out the noise. 
There I find the glow of my phone reflecting Coleman's face- just standing next to me bed. 
I've never been so close to punching a kid in his face. Scarier then that is the realization that when I let out a blood curdling scream- Dave didn't even pause his bejeweled and only offered a quizzical grunt. #myhero
Jan.29, 2013

What happens when your mom is a normal sight roaming the hallways of your school and happened to have the combination to your locker?
Operation Embarrass Kid- Success! Happy Birthday Zachary!
Feb. 1, 2013
Yesterday a neighbor Kid was over and accidentally broke an insignificant, cheap drinking glass. I guess he felt guilty because later that night we received this note and he tried to pay us $5.
We didn't keep the money, but I'm going to treasure the note. What a thoughtful kid. I'm so glad my kids have great examples around them.
 — with Megan Symonds Giolito and Nick Giolito.
Feb. 3, 2013
Grandma Betty came out for Zachs 12th Bday because he is getting the priesthood. While she washer we had another tea party with my awesome friends. This time Zachary and Coleman were waiters all dressed up. 
Feb. 6, 2013
Dear teachers, I was out of town and his father dressed him for school today!
Feb. 9, 2013
Even not feeling well my little guy is sweet and pretty darn creative.
Feb. 13, 2013
I hate being gone, but it's so much worse leaving a sick kid. I was gone 3 days and tonight just got home. Oliver has been sick and not eating much. Trying to get something in him I asked, "Applesauce? Toast? Is there anything u want? Anything???" With a raspy, sniffling voice he says, "Id like some new Legos" 
Yeah....I'm a sucker.
Feb. 28, 2013
The 'no mess' toothpaste dispenser. My kids took that as a challenge.
Feb. 28, 2013
I've been extremely stressed the past few weeks. After I finally broke down in water works last knight in shining armor brought me a pot of my favorite flowers. 
Seriously, David- you are the best.
March 2, 2013
My second 5K, the 80s Run in Las Vegas. 

Want to feel old? Ask your kids what I am holding. 
March 7, 2013
Since I use them at the gym, I like to keep my earphones in the car. Dave hated that I left them hanging from the mirror.
Well today I got to the bank and put my car in park and the ear bud got caught between the track and the shift stick. The stick was stuck, I couldn't move it backwards and even getting desperate enough to smash the bud...I couldn't get it forward.
The bank I was stuck at....right next to Dave's work. With a tool he got it free. But I'm still debating if the rescue was worth the gloating.

March 23, 2013
Oliver and our newest family member. Mickey the mouse.
March 27, 2013
I just bought my kids chips that I am pretty sure Satan himself invented. -I must be feeling guilty for working during their spring break.
If you have Takis, they multiply 
March 31, 2013
My little super reader, in Kindergarten. Just when I think there is a big word I am going to have to help him with...
he just reads on.

April 1, 2013
Last year for April fools I plastic wrapped Daves car shut. His comment, "weak" -so this year I decided to Share with his office his love for the Beiber. 
How's that for weak dear?
April 2, 2013
Ive had to go out of town a lot for work.
Thank goodness for technology. I still get to read at night with my kiddos, even when I'm 150 miles away
April 3, 2013
We have a digital frame with family pictures on it. Ben has taken it and had to have it in his room. I found him fallen asleep just watching the pictures of our family. He is such a sweet sweet boy.
April 6, 2013
Dave is not home and there is a scorpion in the bathroom!! Thank goodness I have connections!! You are my hero Jesse! — with Jesse Whipple.
April 12, 2013
When I help out at the schools on Fridays I usually give the kids a ride home. I went into Coleman's class to let him know not to ride the bus, That I would drive him. The class was out of the room and the desks were rearranged so I wasn't sure which was his. But I found a way to communicate this message.
Who said moms are embarrassing??
April 13, 2013
I called Dave yesterday and asked him to stop by the store and grab me some Flour. He asked if I wanted any special kind. I told him just to get the normal kind, nothing fancy.
He walked in with this little bouquet- proud of his misunderstanding.
(He is pretty darn cute sometimes)
April 14, 2013
Ben had a field trip to Roos & More Zoo. Such fun field trip. The kids get to actually touch and experience the animals. 
April 16, 2013 
Because of the Boston Marathon bombing racers all over the US wore their "race shirts" in support. 
My race shirt love and support.
Oliver had a field trip to Hafen Ranch 
Love this kiddo. Im so glad I get to be his mom. 
April 17, 2013
Dave and the scouts took a field trip to the Police Station! (I'm pretty sure they didn't run a background cheek on Ben before this, although they probably should have!) 
April 19, 2013

We had a Community Carnival for Ethan. It was a fun night of food and fun with friends. Zach even shaved his hair for Ethan. 
April 21,2013
Getting a new car is always fun.  We spent the day in Vegas car shopping and found a car we liked. After doing all the paperwork it was time to clean out our old car to trade it in. Oliver realized we were saying good by to the car  and that we weren't taking it home. He suddenly broke into tears. At first I though it was cute. But as he cried on I realized that it has been the only car he knew. We brought him home from the hospital in that car,I drove it to doctors appointments when I was pregnant with him. I myself then started to get a little teary. 
April 27, 2013
Hey Grandma...remember those fancy brown silky gloves you use to have years ago. They are now a part of 'Link' Cosplay
May 3, 2013
Hanging out with my girls the other night at Dairy Queen we noticed a vending machine with temporary tattoos. We plotted against our husbands. Each of us got a tattoo and planned to put it on our husbands while the slept. Brooke got Jess that night. She got it perfect on his back!
I tried to get Dave, but the tattoo got messed up and half stick to the blankets. I decided to go back and get another and try again. With it being so close to his birthday, I decided to wait a few days. Then right before his birthday I put it on. He had it over the weekend and celebrating with Tim and Claudia at Tuachan, Tim let the cat out of the bag.  I have to admit, joking aside, Dave is pretty hot with his little blue bird tattoo! 
May 10, 2013
The school is had its annual bowling day. I got to visit a little during each of the kids turns. Even Dave was able to visit during Olivers turn at bowling.  
May 13, 2013
This is what happens when a little boy doesn't get to bed on time.
Who says they don't have naps in schools anymore?
 — with Traci Carter Mickelson.

(I got this picture in a text from Ben's teacher.)
May 14, 2013
Michelle Tavares West
Tonight I put on my gym clothes, drove to the gym and as I pulled in to the parking lot I sat there. Frozen. I could not go in. I sat for over five minutes chastising myself-I had vowed to get back into the gym habit. I was determined to do so. But what was in front of me was a horror show. Thousands...yes I really mean thousands...of crickets. The parking lot was filled with them. There was more cricket than asphalt. The side walk, window sills, even the other cars in the lot had crickets. I played it out in my head. I had zero chance of making the 10 feet to the door without stepping on several. Even if I survived the crunch of them under foot, I realized that others would jump. There was only an 10-15% chance of making it without one of the devils jumping.
My mind flashed to the incident a year ago when a cricket flew between my eye and my glasses.
As you can guess; I did not make it to the gym tonight.

Evil jumping bugs-3
May 15, 2013
made it in the building, but these things are mocking me.
May 15, 2013
I wish I could tan as well as this kid (Oliver)- It looks like he is wearing brown pants!
May 16, 2013
Congrats to my sweet boy and these silly girls for entering the National Junior Honor Society today.
May 19, 2013
Mesquite people know how to party. Coleman attended an 'Amazing Race' birthday this weekend: and Oliver went to an awesome Alien party
May 22, 2013
You know you have good friends when you wonder if you could survive each other. 

(Getting ready for an all night bus ride with middle schoolers)
May 23,2013
I got to go with Zach on his Middle School Pride trip to Disneyland! It was so much fun spending this time with my awesome kid. 

May 25, 2013
The family went to a Las Vegas 51's game. 
It was my first professional baseball game as well as the kids. Everyone had fun, Ben ben did a dance in the isle every time they played music. As always, entraining all around. 
May 27, 2013
I got Dave a Kayak for Christmas. It is finally warm enough to try out. 
Of course the kids think its just as fun to play in the sand and dirt. _____________________________________________________
We have been having a StarWars marathon this weekend. Oliver started crying when Yoda died.
May 28, 2013
As my baby is about the graduate kindergarten and my oldest is finishing his first year of middle school- I start to worry that they are growing up too fast. That is- until I walk in and find things like this. The stuffed animals all have 'beds'. Nope, this isn't the kindergarteners's the 12 year olds. Love my big boy.
June 1, 2013
A good time with great friends. 
Zach and I went to the temple with Saul and Claudia and did baptisms. 
I don't like how fast he's growing, but Its so much fun being able to go to the temple with my Turkey. 
The kids suddenly think bed shopping is fun
We stopped by and visited Grandma Bonnie. 
She didn't have any luck getting a bite of Oliver's Frosty. 

June 4, 2013
The Giolioto's are moving to Vegas. They have been such good neighbors. We are going to miss them. One of Megans trademark sayings is "Audios Bitchachos". I couldn't resist, so Brook and I made us shirts that said "Audios Bitchacho" on them. Laughing aside, I'm still crying at them leaving.  Megan also gave us her Piano. As if that isn't nice enough, Nick helped Dave and Jess move it to our house for us. 
Last night as I lifted the blanket to get in bed I found a buffet of toys. For a second I was annoyed...because there is nothing worse then rolling over on a hot wheel in your ribs. Then I realized that all too soon I will have endless days of pulling back my covers to find no toys there. My babies are growing up
June 5, 2013
Megan thought she was moving out of town today...but Brooke and I had other plans!
June 8, 2013
We went to the Washington Rec Center in Utah. On a usual day the Rec center is an awesome, however today was the slash festival. It was great. 
Oliver was pretty good on the rock wall. He kept going and going. He went as high as 20 feet..and that was after an exhausting day of swimming
 There was even spray foam!
June 15, 2013
Recently Dave found a $20 bill in the laundry that I had forgot to remove from my jeans. When I told him it was mine he ran out of the room with it and returned empty handed.
 He said, 'if you can find it, it's yours.' 
Guess he forgot I had his ATM card
June 16, 2013
Happy Fathers Day to the handsomest father I know. Our boys are lucky to have you. 
June 17, 2014
This morning Brooke jinxed me. Guess she's doing it wrong, cause she brought me a Coke! (This is where I would do a has-tag 'my friends are awesome' but those things are annoying)
June 17, 2013
Coleman's epic birthday weekend. A sleepover, anti-gravity, Yougutland, swigs, epic movie, and cosplay. I think Dave said it best...are we done partying yet? 
(yes those weirdos are wearing footies in 100+ degree heat)
Coleman is sweet, loving and considerate. A few weeks ago he was frantically trying to earn money. When he finally earned $10 he begged me to take him to the store...where he spent the whole $10 on his father for Father's Day. Always thinking of other.
Happy Birthday Sweet T-bit.
June 25, 2013
A few years ago when my friend Claudia moved out of town, we inherited some fish. They pretty much get fed, tank cleaned, but other wise get ignored as intended with pet fish. 
That is until like today, one dies. 
We started with 4 fish. When they became 3, it happened without notice. I made the mistake of announcing when another started swimming upside down this morning. So we had a little prayer around the toilet and Oliver waved and cried as I flushed. 
He is sad and has vowed to 'miss him forever'
June 26, 2013
Thanks Brooke for watching Oliver today...and getting in touch with his sensitive side.
June 27, 2013
Dave and Zachary have been gone all week at Scout camp.  Its Zachs first year and a boy scout. 

While they are gone, the rest of the boys are working on the Missoula Children's play, Secret Garden. 
The kids each needed to bring a bag to keep their costume in for the play this weekend. I decided to let them each pick out some stickers to decorate their bag. As soon as Oliver saw the 'My Little Ponys' he had to have them. Guess that's what happens when dad is out of town for a week!
Coleman, Ben and Oliver and I snuck away for an evening to St. George 
for a quick "stay cation" in-between show days. 
We had some Red Robin with the Whipples.

Then, I had a free hotel voucher that was going to expire so we stayed in a hotel in St. George and had a fun evening at the pool. 
In this years Missoula play Coleman was Colin, the sick boy in the Secret Garden. He was adorable and perfect in the role. He motorized all his lines and did a great job. So many people told me how awesome they thought he was. 

Benjamin was a crow and was adorable flapping around the stage. 

Oliver was part of the Garden. This kid makes pumpkin heads look adorable. 

We love Missoula! 

July 3, 2013
Every July 3rd, the whole town of Bunkerville has a water fight. There is a sign coming into town warning you that you will get wet. Small towns are fun...weird...and fun. 
July 4, 2013
For the past week Oliver has been obsessed with a box. He carries it from room to room. He plays in it, watches TV in it, sleeps in it.
I'm pretty sure we spend more on toys then we need to.
July 6, 2013
The Pulver's have an annual "Amazing Race" party. This year Dave and I got to participate. It was awesome. We ran all over town having fun and doing crazy things. Dave and i were on opposite teams. Unfortunately Dave's team came in first, with my team only seconds behind. 
July 12, 2013
Brooke and I were driving near Bryce Canyon. A deer jumps right in front of the car. As Brooke slams on the breaks, she totally Mom-Arms me. Yep, she loves me. 
July 13, 2013
I went with Brooke to Bryce Canyon to watch her run a half marathon. 

I made some motivational signs to hold while she ran. I would hold up a sign, then drive a mile or two up the road and hold a sign for her again. I gotta say, sign holding in a marathon is awesome. 
I felt like a rock star. Who needs to run?

I was so proud of Brooke, I got her a Wonder Woman tee shirt. She is pretty Wonderful. 
We stopped by Panquitch to visit Brookes Grand Fathers grave. There was another grave in the grave yard with dolls that scared the crud out of me. 
July 18, 2013
Oliver is teaching McKenna his moves

My sweet buddy Jaylee made me a wallet. I adore it as much as I adore her.
 What a creative, thoughtful girl!  
July 28, 2013
It's official, Zach picked up his gear for his first season of Football. I'm excited and scared to death.
Aug. 2, 2013
Grandma Bonnie passed away. I love her so much. She was also so welcoming and loving to me. One of my favorite memories of her was going to the temple with her. It was before we bought the house. We had put in the offer and just waiting to hear if it would be expected. Sitting in the celestial room she said a prayer in hopes that it would all work out. It was at that point that I knew the house was the right one and that everything would work out. 
On July 19th we visited Bonnie and she wasn't feeling well. Ben wanted to hug her better, this was the last picture we got with her and the last time the kids got to see her. Dave and I saw her in the hospital the day before she passed. 
I am really going to miss her sweet voice and her loving smile. I still have an old voicemail on my phone from her that I listen to every now and then just to hear her. 

Everyone got together at Dave and Holly's house. It was at least great to see all the cousins. 
Aug 4, 2013
Grandma Bonnies Funeral. 

I'm going to miss her. 
Aug. 8, 2013
My sweet, sweet Beast is turning 8. I love Benjamin so much. He always makes me smile. Ive never known a more loving person. He dances, (literally) to the beat of his own drum. He is my happy. 
Happy Birthday Sweet Beast!

Aug. 10, 2013
A fun date with two handsome guys! Starlight Express — at Tuachan
Aug. 14, 2013
I sent Oliver up to his room for whining. After about 20mins I realized I hadn't heard from him. But he was no where upstairs. I searched, everywhere. Then, got Coleman and Ben to search everywhere. After checking the whole house, even checked the garage, still no Oliver. Ok-now we panic. I started even checking cupboards. Called Dave to see if he took Oliver even though I knew he didn't. Then in the dark dining room I noticed something under the table. Darn kid! How did he not wake up with all of us screaming frantically!?
Aug. 15, 2013
Coleman took an art class this week. Doing pottery. He was amazing. The items pictured were made his first and second day. My little artist 
Aug. 15, 2013
So proud of Zach today. 
Aug. 17, 2013
We had a ward activity, canoeing and rock jumping in Gunlock. 

Aug. 25, 2013
Last night I got my last 5-year old hug from Oliver. My sweet boy is 6 today.
Aug. 26, 2013
Pinterest generation demands first day pictures  
Not everyone was as excited for school as I was. I've been giddy all day! 
Sept. 3, 2013
Our Labor Day weekend: My sweet Ben was baptized. Then we went hiking, spelunking and swimming.
Sept. 5, 2013
Yep..I'm a sucker. 
Oliver did not want to get out of the car at school today. After about 10mins I physically got him out. He flung himself on the car and cried. So breakfast together it is!
Sept. 7, 2013
Puzzle, chez-it's, and an Icee. This is how to Saturday!

We had nothing pressing today, so Michelle bought a complicated 1000 piece puzzle to do with the kids. Several hours into it (most kids long gone), and border not even done, she is asserting they left pieces out.
55Like ·  · 
Sept. 10, 2013
Coleman (10 years old) this morning asks Oliver (6) this morning, 'what are you going to be when you grow up. Without missing a beat Oliver replies, "Your Boss"  Little brother Win.
Sept. 13, 2013
Benjamin was having a hard morning. Since I was helping out at school today I snuck in his classroom when the class was out. I left him a note on his desk. Later, I found his reply on the back. Apparently,he wasn't over it yet!  I sure love that kid.
Traci Carter Mickelson LOL. Can't stop laughing. He came and gave me a hug today, and I asked him if his day had gotten any better after his rough morning...he said, "ya, but it was still my mom's fault..." Why did you have to find the socks in the drawer where they were suppose to be?  Way to ruin a day!!! Ha Ha
Sept. 15, 2013
My Aunt Terri happened to be in Vegas so Brooke and I drove down to Vegas 
and had dinner with her. 
We then met up with Megan and saw a movie. I love my crazy girls! 

Sept. 19, 2013
We let the world know that there was another West on the way! 
Sept. 24, 2013

 Oliver's teacher gave the class a few writing assignments. On the last she said to 

write a few sentences about whatever you want. 😐 

The sarcasm is great with this one.


Sept. 29, 2013
So I wondered what would happen if you taunted the color throwers at Color Me RAD. 
Apparently they rise to the challenge! 

 I had fun running with these crazy girls. 

Oct. 5, 2013
Another Football Saturday. 
Dave and Coleman got jobs on the field this week. Coleman was a great water boy and Dave held the number sign. (If I was a real football mom I would know what it was called!)


Oct. 6, 2013

Bethany took some adorable pictures for us. 

I love my little scouts. 
Oct. 12, 2013
The Binghams Halloween Party. This year the theme was Sports. 
Being pregnant I decided what better then to be a basketball. _____________________________________________________
Oct. 17, 2013
Random Icee Delivery at Work. I just might have the best husband ever.

Oct. 17-18
Dave and Coleman went on a Weboree camping trip. It was Colemans first overnight scout camp trip. _____________________________________________________
Oct. 19, 2013
Our ward Halloween party

The kids had fun trying to eat donuts on a string.

Oct. 25-26, 2013
We rented the cabin at Pine Valley and had a fun camping trip  
and then the next day met up with the Andrus' for our annual corn maze tradition.


Oct. 29, 2013
Oliver was making a funny face in his school pictures. Tomorrow is retakes. 
So I asked him to show me a pretty smile. 😐
Oct. 31, 2013

Halloween. The boys were minions this year. 
Nov. 2, 2013
Zachs last football game of the season.
Nov. 4, 2013
Now this is the way to spend a day off school, couch forts!!

Coleman: "Mom, can you please start calling me by my nickname."

Me: 'What nickname is that.'

Coleman: "Swagmaster C!'

Me:  No.

Nov. 15,  2013

Sweet Jaylee Whipple made me my very own fortune cookie. She is so funny! 
Love a fellow Whovian! 

Nov. 21, 2013
Claudia and I and Ariel and one of Ariels friends went to see Hunger Games together last year. So when the sequel came out this year together we got the gang back together for a fun evening of Olive Garden and Catching Fire! 
Nov. 22, 2013
Another one of Oliver's great writings. 
I can't wait to go to Iron Land myself someday! _____________________________________________________
Nov. 27, 2013
Dave entered a Cafe Rio contest. Winner gets 5 free meals. You have to enter something that you were willing to trade for cafe rio. Dave traded the lovely picture Coleman drew of me. I was sleeping and pregnant with Ben years ago. Coleman kept bugging me and I would snap at him each time her would wake me up. Once he woke me up trying to show me something. I snapped at him and asked what he wanted. He showed me the picture and said..."Look I drew a picture of you yelling mommy!"

Mother of the year. At least my face is worth 5 free meals and my portrait is now hanging in the offices at Cafe Rio somewhere. 
Dec. 2, 2013

Zach got his braces on today! (I'm kicking myself for not getting the 'before' picture) Coleman gets them on in two weeks. I'm going to miss his silly sweet 'BunkerTucky' smile. (Seriously, if there was any doubt that I get over emotional while pregnant-I cried at the thought of 'fixing' Coleman's smile.)

Dec. 4, 2013
Last night I was out of town and Dave had to 'supervise' what the elf did. I left him on the fridge. Overnight, ignored he fell off the fridge. Dave left him on the floor and said he 'had an accident' 
Luckily by the time the kids got home from school, the elf had bandaged himself up.


Dec. 5, 2013
So proud of my sweet Ben. He did so good in the spelling bee. So close! He is amazing. 

If was fun just watching Ben on stage. The poor kid can't keep still. He was quite animated reacting to everyone else spelling. Sweet boy cheered all of his friends on.  _____________________________________________________

Dec. 6, 2013
Eating dinner and when Coleman reaches for seconds I tell him he is going to have to scrape because some noodles stuck to the pan. He looks at me and says, 'Well, that's terrible cooking Mom.'  
I'm giving his future wife permission to smack him

Dec. 7, 2013
Dave and Coleman played paintball in St. George and I ran down to run some errands. SG forgot it was desert. The snow was amazing. Unfortunately we waited to late to leave and it really came down. We had to leave one car behind and took over 2 hours to drive 35 miles. I never understood before why people hated snow so much. 😬 It's still pretty on TV!


Dec. 11, 2013
Coleman's latest dinner table gem: "When I grow up...I'm going to keep MY house clean." 
Seriously, this kid!


Dec. 14, 2013
We took a quick trip up to Salt Lake for Nate's homecoming. 
The hotel had an indoor heated pool so we enjoyed some winter swimming. Then we headed to a very cold Hoggle Zoo. Most of the animals were hiding from the cold and us, but kit was fun to look at the lights. 
The kids have been having fun watching Sam & Deb (Herick and Tolki) playing online Pokemon. They are true celebrities in their eyes. So we stopped by and they got to meet the famous Tolki.  _____________________________________________________
Dec. 16, 2013

We went to Tuachan with the Andrus' and went to see the temple lights. 
I love this time of year. _____________________________________________________
Dec. 25, 2013
We had a wonderful Christmas. 
  I am thankful for the sweet people in our lives. Nick Giolito and another Fireman found a family that wasn't having Christmas because lack of funds. They got together and bought them things, and got the community to donate items all in one day. It made me remember the times in my life people made a difference for me. We started a new tradition this year to have the kids help give to another family in need. I am also thankful for knowing my buddy Ethan. He is such a sweet kiddo and an example of faith and sprit to everyone. 
Dec. 26, 2013

We had a great Christmas with friends and family. It's nice to have some time off and spend time at home with the boys. They are a fun and hilarious bunch. It's time to say good bye to our littlest trouble marker 'til next year.


Dec. 27, 2013

Some family fun at the new St. George Children's Museum
Dec. 29, 2013

I sat down on this couch to organize some papers. My head smacked the corner of the frame. It hurt so bad I saw stars and barely contained the four letter word of protest that wanted to fly out my mouth. As I reached up to check my head for blood I took a look to see what caused the pain. 

Great, nothing screams sinner like getting beat up by Jesus at church. 

Dec. 30, 2013
Trying to get the kids to clean all afternoon has made my voice nearly gone. After asking Coleman 100 times to Finish mopping I decide to sarcastically encourage him like a dog. "come on boy, you can do it, who's a good boy?" He jumps right up wags his tail and finishes the chore I've been begging him to do for hours. Oliver runs up on all four and begs me for a chore. 😐 I'm not sure if I'm parenting at least the kitchen is finally clean. 
-Hope they're house broke-


We were invited by the Cox family to spend New years eve with them at the church playing games and eating. Dave was feeling sick but the kids and I went and then saw Frozen that night. 

Food, dodgeball and fun games with friends, then a movie with the kids...and still home in time to get a midnight kiss from my handsome. Great way to end the year. 

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