Saturday, May 17, 2014

Back to work....

This week I went back to work full time. It was hard. On Monday I went out of town to visit the Searchlight and Laughlin properties so the little guy came with me. His first night in a hotel, and he did great. We actually both got great sleep just snuggling up to each other. 

Tuesday Luke spent the day with Kim. It was hard being away from him. This was the longest maternity leave I had ever taken, but the hardest to get back to work after. Although it being a busy week sure helps out. I have been working on the costumes for Oliver's class play. They are all animals. I have been working on making Rhinos and Zebras. 

When I was in the dining room working on them and Oliver was supposed to be getting ready for bed..he runs in and said, "Mom, Check out my style!"
This kid sure knows how to make me smile. 
Zachary had the Pride trip to Disneyland this weekend. It was so hard dropping him off at the school and not be loading the bus to go with him. Good thing I have some good friends who will stalk him for me. 

Also this weekend Scouts had a campout Pack Meeting. Oliver earned his Tiger, Ben earned his wolf, and Coleman earned his Arrow Of Light. So proud of my scouters, and their awesome Scoutmaster dad! 

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