Tuesday, July 8, 2014

School is for the birds...

Coleman had summer school. It was the 'Bridge Program' where students had a week of school to get use to the switching of classes and using lockers and all the fun stuff that middle schoolers do. 

Since Zach and Coleman were gone for the weekend they weren't able to participate in the Missoula Children's play like they usually do. For some reason Ben didn't want to. So this year only Oliver was in the play. It was 'Blackbeard The Pirate'. Oliver was a Parrot. 

Everyone is still in love with the baby. He is such a happy boy.

He will always smile if you make eye contact with him. He melts hearts everywhere we go.

 Oliver came in to the bedroom one night and saw that Luke was in his grey thermal PJs. Oliver then ran to his closet and searched for his so he could match his brother.
  Sweet boys. 

 One day Ben hit Coleman and got in trouble. I asked him to write Coleman a 'sorry note'. On it he drew a comic of him hitting Coleman. (Not quite heartfelt- but pretty humorous)

A dear friend and resident of a community I manage, Jim Cheshier passed away. He has been like a grandfather to my kids. Always at their plays, pre school graduations, baptisms, etc. 
We are really going to miss him. I had a memorial service for him. 

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