Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fun, Swimming and Friends....

Last wekend Dave and I got to participate in what is turning into one of our favorite annual events. The Pulver's Amazing Race party. Since I had the little man, I decided not to race, but help out with one of the stations. Dave however had to defend his winning status from last year and had to race. It was fun hanging out with friends and helping out, but next year I want to get back to the racing!

We bought a pass to the Rec Center for the summer to enjoy the pool. We went on Monday and the pool was pretty cold. I thought it would be too cold for Luke. He loves a bath, but had never been swimming. When we first got in he was a little started by the coolness, but didn't I kept getting in. We were in for about 40 mins and he seemed to love it. Then, the next day, Luke, Coleman and I were at a hotel out of town for work and went swimming again. Luke again loved it. There was another person swimming who had been a swim teacher. He said he had never seen a baby that small like the water that cool and stay in that long. He showed me some good techniques to get Luke floating on his back. Luke even liked that. He is a water boy for sure. 

Colemans birthday is next Tuesday. Since it is in the middle of the week we decided to celebrate it early this past weekend. Coleman decided he wanted to watch Star Wars with his friends and eat Jack In the Box Tacos. He helped my make light Saber invitations.

And we invited a bunch a boys over, bought 50 tacos from Jack in the Box and Dave made some Light Sabers out of pool noodles. 

They hardly even watched the movie...because beating each other up with Pool noodles was too much fun. 

I tried to make a cake that looked like Light Sabers, but I think it just looked like a two toned X. But at least it tasted good! 

One of Colemans good friends moved 9 hours away. He happened to be in Vegas this weekend at a family members wedding. So I arranged to surprise Coleman and we drove up to Vegas to have dinner Saturday evening with Davis. 

Its been a while since they saw each other but started talking again like no time had passed. I'm always thankful for good friends my kids have. 

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