Knowing how much I like to go back and look at the blog and have even had printed as a journal/memory book, I find it sad that I missed so much. I am going to do a quick summary using Facebook posts to look back at the year. This of course will probable only be interesting to myself and grandparents.
Aug 6 2012
Coleman and Zach participated in "RAD KIDS"
It teaches them safety and self defense. Of course looking back at the pictures now Zach remembers this: " I got to beat up Duane! "
Aug. 16, 2012
Don't u wish you husband was romantic like mine! (sadly I was actually touched that he colored for me!)
Aug.17, 2012
I'm not a fan of getting older, but birthdays mean getting a big box of cookies from my sister in law- WORTH IT! — with Tammi A. Tavares
Me: 'Hey Ben, everyone likes the picture I put of you on Facebook'
Ben: Everyone!? On Facebook!? I'm going to be SO famous!
Aug. 27, 2012
Someone asked me today if I thought it was too early to start Oliver in school, since his 5th birthday was just last Sunday. He did this math problem 3 months ago. Im pretty sure if he doesn't start school he will be doing his brothers homework for them.
Aug.28, 2012
I asked Oliver about this and he said exasperatedly, "My teacher said to draw YOU!"
Poor left brain kid. — with Stephanie Luce Hughes.
Poor left brain kid. — with Stephanie Luce Hughes.
Sept. 2012
We took a picture as a family to show support for Ethan Mendenhall
Sept. 17, 2012
We went to Ryland's (Lacey's son) birthday party in Logandale. Ben had a little too much fun with "finger" paints.
Sept. 23, 2012
Ben: Mom, will water kill a robot?
Me: Well, it would probably not be good for it. It's not good for any electronic thing. (Hoping this is a lesson for the safety of my iPad)
Ben: Then why would Jesus make water!? (If you know Ben then you know that this is hilarious because electronics are the center of his universe)
Me: He made it for us. We would die without water. Plants would
Then in his 7-year old wisdom Ben asked a question I am not sure how to answer.
Ben: Then why did he make Thirst!?
Sept. 26, 2012
Coleman got famous and was embarrassed of the little people.
See the kid in the second row, second kid in...trying to pretend he can't see his family? Don't worry, we yelled really loud that we were with Coleman so EVERYONE knew
Oct.5, 2012
Dave West: This is Michelle's new phone case. Is it odd that my wife is a bigger geek than I am?
Oct. 8, 2012
We're getting there!!! Bens first 100%. I love my sweet beast.
Oct. 9, 2012
Tuesday's homework activity- this is the first time Oliver has ever whined about doing homework. But I think his teacher is brilliant!! — with Stephanie Luce Hughes.
Oct. 14, 2012
Our first Bingham Halloween Party!
The theme was Heros and Villains. Dave and i went as The Doctor and River Song. (Of course our friends aren't as nerdy as us and no one knew who we were!)
Oct. 15, 2012
I took Oliver to the store with me and after we checked out the clerk walked on break. Oliver yells, 'hey! She's leaving' I explain that she is probably going on break, and that she probably needed on after dealing with him. He loudly shouts 'she needed a break cause you are a lot to deal with mom'
joys of parenting
joys of parenting
Oct. 19, 2012
My new gym buddy...
I had a really crappy day...and came home to this. It's the first smile I had all day. I love having neighbors as crazy as we are. — with Megan Symonds Giolito and Nick Giolito.
Dave went on a camp out with Zach at Hafen ranch and go this amazing picture.
The rest of the boys and I had a little slumber party. Love these cute little men.
Oct. 20 , 2012
Fun at the Staili Farm Corn Maze
Parenting tip: Never turn your back on your children at a buffet.
Oct. 24, 2012
In the quick care for one child, and another child falls (right in the quick care room!) and has to go to the ER. Life with boys.
We were in the quick care for Colemans hands. Looking for some lotion that would burn his over washed dried out hands. Being the boys we are, Ben tips over in a chair and smashes his finger. Right in front of the Dr. he got worried it was broken. It was too swollen for him to know. Poor Ben had to get it 'drained'.
Ben has been studying abbreviations in school this week. Since we had a lot of time to kill in the ER tonight he decided to share this jewel with me: 'Mom, was it Jesus or another inventor that made abbreviations?'. I didn't know if I should be worried or proud. But I told him that he should check with his teacher for the answer. — with Traci Carter Mickelson.
Oct. 29, 2012
Pumpkin Run at School. We never win, but we have fun!
Oct. 30, 2012
Enjoying our free chillers as we 'chill' in front of our awesome coloring pages.
Oct. 31, 2012
Oliver was the Red Ranger, Zach was Perry the Platypus Coleman was a Pirate and I tried 3 different outfits on Ben. Everything was too itchy, too tight, or annoyed him in some way. He finally grabbed his fathers Peter Pan top and called himself an Ogre. He was a great Ogre. Funny boy.
My kids remembered getting giant pixie sticks from a certain house last year, they insisted we try that house again. As they ran up I explained that they might not give put the same thing. No such luck. They strut back to the sidewalk with their death by sugar sticks...and Zach whips out a pair of scissors!! He pocketed them just for the pixie sticks!! Thanks Tietjens...thanks a lot!
Nov 2, 2012
Veterans Day Parade
Some of the cutest scouts in town were in the Parade.
Zach and Coleman walked the giant flag. Dave walked with Ben. Ben of course was dancing through the parade and gave us a little 'gingham style' when he saw Oliver and I on the sidelines.
Fridays I spend time helping out at the kids school. I do a lot copies. Apparently, I don't do them very well. Today helping out in Oliver's class he shows me a paper and tells me that I messed up the corner. Then as if that is not enough, he goes and makes sure his teacher knows I messed up! Tattle tail.
Brooke and I started going to the middle school Parent advisory board meetings. Good part,we are at school during a passing period and can embarrass our kids!! Middle schoolers love when you cause a scene.
My recent obsession, playing "Words with Friends"
This iz why I love Doug, he plays along.. — with Doug Seldeen.
Nov 6, 2012
There are some SERIOUSLY handsome scouts in this commercial-
Nov.10, 2012
Color Me Rad 5K! Had a BLAST!!!
Nov 11, 2012
I was trying to stay upbeat and positive today, but it seemed I was being over ruled. I finally commented to Dave, "why did we buy all our kids at the grumpy factory!' Without missing a beat Dave replies, 'Because of your employee discount.'
On a side note, does anyone have a couch for Dave to sleep on tonight?
On a side note, does anyone have a couch for Dave to sleep on tonight?
Nov. 17, 2012
Last night was Heather's Twilight Paty. I guess I didn't get rid of all the evidence.
Ben has never met a 'stranger'. He loves and talks to everyone. It's been a little much at times but today he was amazing. He talked to everyone as they walked into the store and got a ton of donations for the food bank!
Nov. 18, 2012
Church is Scary (Artwork by Oliver)
Tonight while reading scriptures there was a verse about Lusting after a woman. Luckily the boys weren't paying too much attention- that is until Dave decides to send me a flirty text. What he didn't know was Zach had my phone and reads out loud in disgust-
"I'm looking on a woman to lust after her right now. "!?!?
It didn't help when he ran to the dictionary to look up the word either!
"I'm looking on a woman to lust after her right now. "!?!?
It didn't help when he ran to the dictionary to look up the word either!
Nov. 22, 2012
Thanksgiving at Grandma Holly's & Grandpa Daves.
The kids all decided after dinner to rake the leaves in the front.
That night Brooke and I hit the Black Friday shopping
Nov. 23, 2012
"Mom look, I'm a ninja turtle!"
Nov. 24, 2012
The family took a little hike
And this is what happens...
I love Legos. The boys can play with them all day. They get pretty creative. Oliver made 'Mickey.'
Dec. 3, 2012
We got the picture taken for our Christmas cards this year.
The theme is "Silent Night"
Dec. 6, 2012
So on the way to school today I over hear Ben saying to Oliver, "No, my teacher is smarter then Mom!' To which I protested. Then Ben sighs and says, 'Sorry mom, but it's true.' — with Traci Carter Mickelson.
Dec. 8, 2012
Oliver came up with a blanket and said, 'Mom, it's national snuggle your baby day!'
I'm not going to pass that up!
Dec. 9, 2012
I was called to be the 2nd Counselor in RS
Dec. 10, 2012
While riding to school in the morning Ben asks me, "Mom, why don't you ever use the 'Make Bacon' button in the car?"
Sometimes I wish the magical world in Ben's mind was real.
Dec. 14, 2012
Ben told me there was a 'naughty' word in his spelling list. I checked his spelling list over and then asked him which word. He then explains: 'Enjoyment. It's naughty because it doesn't follow the rules. The y should have been dropped but it's not.'
Thanks for the naughty lesson Traci.
Dec. 16, 2012
Brooke and Jaylee came over and borrowed some Eggs.
Here is what Brooke posted about it:
Conversation on the way home from coming to borrow eggs for Jay's batch of PB cookies.
Jay: "Mom, what are the odds that Michelle did something to these eggs?"
Me: "hmmmm..."
Jay: "I'm thinking she did something like inject them WTH red dye."
Me: (smiling) "Oh yeah?"
Jay: "Yes, don't you?"
Me: (laughing) "Nah."
Jay: (with her serious face on) "Mom, we're talking about Michelle here."
Me: "Good point kid."
Thanks for the eggs!
Dec. 25, 2012
Dec. 26, 2012
Ben coming out of the bathroom- "One thing I don't like about Jesus- he makes you poop."
"Oh yeah, and I clogged the toilet."
Dec. 28, 2012
For Claudia's birthday we threw a 'surprise' Tea party and watched Downton Abbey
DEC. 29, 2012
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